If you're looking to feel your best and free from pain, now is the perfect time to schedule your appointment. Our F.A.S.T Approach and professional movement experts are here to help you on your journey to optimal health and wellness. Don't let discomfort hold you back any longer – take the first step towards a pain-free life by booking your appointment today.

Don't hesitate, take the first step towards feeling great. Book your appointment today and invest in yourself. Your health and wellness matter.


Fix It PT's Mission and Payment Approach

We are pleased to inform you that our physical therapy services are eligible for reimbursement under HSA and Flex accounts. This flexibility ensures that you can utilize these accounts to access the care you need without financial strain.

At Fix It PT, our mission is straightforward: we aim to provide an accessible, efficient service that evaluates and improves movement to enhance function and boost activity levels for individuals of all ages and abilities. We recognize the financial challenges many face due to high insurance deductibles, co-pays, and the constantly evolving landscape of insurance regulations. To ensure affordability, we have adopted a flat-rate billing system.

Finding ways to make physical therapy services more accessible and cost-effective is a priority for us. If you are wondering whether your private insurance covers out-of-network physical therapy services, we have outlined a simple process to help you check for reimbursement eligibility:

  1. Contact your private insurance company to inquire about out-of-network coverage for physical therapy services.

  2. Provide them with the necessary information about Fix It PT and the services you are seeking reimbursement for.

  3. Follow any additional steps or paperwork required by your insurance company to process your claim efficiently.

Please note that Fix It Physical Therapy does not offer Medicare covered services for Medicare beneficiaries. Additionally, our services are not covered under Workers Compensation or Medicaid.